Overview of the elements that make the game.
In the game, a team is referred to as a Dynasty.
There are five dynasties, each with an equal amount of Elites and Thrones.
In the game, an NFT is referred to as an Elite.
Elites connect a player to the game, they are used to perform game functions.
Every elite has the opportunity to win a share of the reward.
Elites sit in a hierarchy of classes.
In the game, an elite's rank is referred to as his Class.
There are seven classes, the highest classes are the most powerful.
Lower classes have more elites, meaning that class indicates rarity.
In the game, the object that enables players to generate or eliminate influence points is referred to as a Throne.
Players must connect their elite to a throne if they intend to generate influence points for their dynasty.
In the game, points are referred to as Influence or Influence Points.
Game winners are the team with the most influence points at the end of a war.
Winners receive the reward.
33% of the mint funds are locked in TNE's smart contracts and used for game rewards.
Rewards are paid in $IOTA to game winners.
There are two reward tiers.
Last updated