I minted an Elite, now what?
The goal is to pick a Dynasty, and help them win.
After collecting tokens, the main way to help a Dynasty win is by generating points from a Throne — Throne points contribute to the Dynasty score.
2A. Use this guide to become a Ruler and generate points.
2B. Use this guide to become an Patron and generate points.
Another way to help a Dynasty win, is by eliminating points from an enemy Throne.
I got an error minting my Elites.
If you encounter an error during mint.
Refresh the page, then click the ROLL ELITES button.
How do I generate points for a Dynasty?
Collect tokens
Connect to a Throne as a Ruler or Patron
Contribute tokens to the Throne
Generate influence from the Contribute page
Use this guide for the process of becoming a Ruler and generating points.
Use this guide for the process of becoming a Patron and generating points.
The graph on the Contribute page showed an inaccurate number of points.
The points a Patron produces are generated accurately, however, the graph on the Contribute page may be incorrect.
This is a display glitch. It is displaying [Patron's Influence Boost * Contributed Tokens], and not [Ruler's Influence Boost * Contributed Tokens].
How do I eliminate points from an enemy Dynasty?
Collect tokens
Connect to an enemy Throne as Attacker
Contribute tokens to the Throne
Eliminate influence from the Contribute page
Use this guide for the process of becoming an Attacker and eliminating points.
My attack did not eliminate points from the enemy Dynasty.
This means the enemy Throne you attacked did not have a positive point balance.
Attackers can only eliminate points the Throne has on balance.
I minted an Elite and can't connect to a Throne.
You must collect tokens before you try to connect to a Throne.
I connected my Elite to a Throne and he didn't generate points.
The first step is to connect your Elite.
The second step is to perform the influence function on the Contribute page.
I can't become the Ruler of a Throne.
This means the Throne already has a ruler.
You can become a Patron if you still want to support the Dynasty.
How do I become a Patron?
Elites can become the patron to any Throne of his Dynasty. Thrones can have multiple Patrons.
How do I become an Attacker?
Elites can attack any enemy Throne.
If the Throne does not have a positive point balance, the attack will not do any damage to the enemy's Dynasty score.
Use this guide to become an Attacker and eliminate points from an enemy.
Where are all the Thrones?
Thrones are gradually unlocked over the first 3 days.
All Thrones are available from day 3 of the war.
War is the active game period.
I can't leave a Throne.
You will get an error if you try to leave a Throne during the cool-down period.
Wait until the cool-down period ends before you try to leave a Throne.
The Elite I just connected to a Throne is not being displayed in the Contribute page.
Wait a few seconds and refresh the page.
Scroll down patiently and precisely. This page is a little weird with the scroll.
Use filters to find the Throne and Elite.
How do I collect tokens?
Use this guide to collect tokens.
NOTE: A 6 hour cool-down begins each time you collect tokens.
My Elite is already connected to a throne, and I've just collected more tokens, now what?
You can top up your existing token contributions to Thrones.
Doing this increases your point generating/eliminating power.
Go to the Contribute page and strategically adjust the token contribution for Thrones connected to your Elite(s).
Use this guide to change the amount of tokens your Elite is contributing to a Throne.
Use this guide to generate influence.
NOTE: If your Elite is connected to a throne as Attacker, the influence action eliminates points from the enemy Dynasty.
How do I get my $IORO tokens back?
If you want to keep connected to a Throne, you must contribute a minimum of 1 $IORO token to it. You can adjust the amount of contributed tokens to 1 $IORO if you want to access them again.
Alternatively, you can leave a Throne and all contributed tokens are returned and available to you. Use this guide to leave a Throne.
I sold my Elite was connected to a Throne, and my tokens have disappeared.
If you list an Elite for sale, who is connected to a Throne and contributing tokens, then everything goes to the buyer.
The Elite keeps the relationship to the Throne and the contributed tokens when it lands in the new account.
It's a good idea to change the token contribution, before you list an Elite who is connected to a Throne for sale.
I can't change the contribution amount on a Throne.
Make sure:
A cool-down is not in effect.
You didn't accidentally click the row — you will now if you click it, because it will have a white border. Unclick it and try again.
I listed my Elite for sale and it disappeared from The New Elites website, where did it go?
When you list an Elite for sale on Magic Sea, the NFT is moved to the Magic Sea market.
It's like a middle ground between current and potential future owner.
If you remove the Elite from sale, then it will re-appear on The New Elites website.
I can't see my Elites in my wallet on Magic Sea.
Make sure you are connected to Magic Sea with the same account that holds your Elites.
Disconnecting from both websites.
Switching to the account your are sure holds your NFTs.
Reconnecting to Magic Sea.
I can't sell my Elite on Magic Sea.
Make sure you are connected to Magic Sea with the same account that holds your Elites.
Disconnecting from both websites.
Switching to the account your are sure holds your NFTs.
Reconnecting to Magic Sea.
I can't find The New Elites on Magic Sea.
The New Elites will be listed for trading on Magic Sea from December 18th.
My Elite(s) disappeared from The New Elites website.
Listing Elites for sale on Magic Sea removes them from The New Elites website. Delisting NFTs from sale on Magic Sea them returns your visibility and access to them.
Alternatively, you may be connected with a different account. Use this guide to disconnect accounts, then reconnect to The New Elites website with the account you believe holds your NFTs.
I can't select an Elite on the Contribute page.
The Elite is likely still in a cool-down period.
A 6 hour cool-down period begins after you perform an influence action with an Elite.
Elites are missing from the: All Elites / My Elites / Manage Elites pages?
Some participants have an issue relating to 'infinite scroll'.
It is currently limited to 20 on My Elites and Manage Elites pages.
Please use filters to see the Elites.
The Filters aren't working properly on some pages, and it doesn't work on the Market page.
We apologize for this shortcoming.
Technical resource limitations means we had to prioritise some functions over others.
Last updated