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Last updated
Contribute tokens to a throne, then generate or eliminate points from the throne.
Players must contribute tokens to a throne when they connect their elite to it.
Players can adjust the amount of tokens they contribute to thrones after they have connected an elite to it.
Changing the amount of tokens an elite contributes to a throne is performed on the CONTRIBUTE page. Generating and elininating points is also performed on the CONTRIBUTE page.
Players can increase or decrease the token amount their elites contribute to a throne.
A minimum of 1 $IORO token must be contributed to a throne, there is no maximum amount.
Go to the CONTRIBUTE page to contribute your tokens and generate/eliminate points.
The CONTRIBUTE page is accessible from:
The CONTRIBUTE TOKENS button on the MY ELITES page (and select other pages).
The CONTRIBUTE option on the page header.
Click inside the CONTRIBUTION box, and enter a new value.
The buttons to SAVE CHANGES and RESET CHANGES become available. i) RESET CHANGES reverts all changed contribution values back to the previous amount. ii) SAVE CHANGES sets the contribution value to the newly modified amount. Click SAVE CHANGES to confirm the updated contribution amount.
Confirm the token contribution change.
Click the CONFIRM button to reload the CONTRIBUTION page.
The contribution value is now updated.
The values in CONTRIBUTED TOKENS and AVAILABLE TOKENS is updated. i) The CONTRIBUTED TOKENS value is the sum of all tokens you contribute to all thrones. ii) The AVAILABLE TOKENS value is the tokens you have collected and not contributed to thrones.
NOTE: The maximum amount of tokens you can contribute is displayed next to Available Tokens.